Thursday, December 17, 2009


I rode 4 miles for the first time yesterday.

That's not true, actually--it was 3.9 miles, but I'm using my entirely imaginary authority to grant that 2.5% distance bonus. I can ride 5MPH on a 24" wheel, so the ride took a little more than 45 minutes.

It's interesting what happens when you get tired (really tired)on a unicycle. I rode very easily and well for the first 3+ miles, then crashed and burned for the last five minutes or so. I was out of control more often than I was in--not falling, but changing speeds and adjusting my position constantly.

Here's the best way I can describe it: if you've ever run to the point where you hit the wall, it's like hitting the wall, then having to balance on a wobble board.

Eli 8.4s second grade teacher (who started unicycle club) wants to ride a marathon on his unicycle (for charity). He has a unicycle with a 29" wheel, and he's incredibly strong, but it still seems impossibly difficult.

It did get me thinking, though. I've run 9 marathons, but my right knee doesn't let me run anymore. I can't think of a better way to get to 10, because a marathon on a unicycle would be even more difficult than running one.

Of course, I'd have to wrap my entire body in foam first.

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